What if a military member whose child gets SSI is deployed?

Oklahoma has many people who are in the military and it also has many children who are getting Supplemental Security Income. In some cases, these two factors combine. A concern that many military members have is whether the SSI benefits for their children will continue if the parent is sent overseas. There are special…

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What is the five-step process for SSD benefits?

For Oklahomans who are suffering from a condition, illness or disability and believe that they warrant Social Security disability benefits, the simplest factors in an approval or disapproval are often lost in the shuffle. Included in these matters is the five-step process that the Social Security Administration utilizes to determine whether the person meets…

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Can SSI benefits continue for a person who is in a facility?

Some Oklahomans have medical or personal issues that require them to be placed in a hospital, nursing home or rehabilitation center. If they are receiving Supplemental Security Income, this can be a concern as to whether they can continue to get their benefits. The Social Security Administration has certain requirements for this eventuality and…

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Important points about a review of SSI benefits

Oklahomans who meet the requirements to receive Supplemental Security Income through the Social Security disability program should understand that the benefits will not continue indefinitely. Being approved for SSI benefits carries with it certain factors that must be accounted for. One is the review of the medical condition to decide if the person should…

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What is the representative payee program with SSI benefits?

When Oklahomans receive Supplemental Security Income under the Social Security disability program, they might be in such condition that they will not be deemed able to manage the benefits on their own. If that is determined to be the case, then there will be the appointment of a representative payee. A representative payee can…

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