Paralysis may qualify a person for disability benefits

Paralysis is a damaging physical condition that prevents a victim from having sensation in a part of their body. These traumatic injuries are generally the result of damage to the spinal cord, and depending on where a person suffers a spinal cord injury, their type of paralysis may differ. This post will briefly discuss…

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How common are traumatic brain injuries?

While many people have heard of traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, you might be alarmed at just how frequently they occur in the United States, including the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, area. The brain is located in the skull, which is part of the head, which sits on the neck at the top of a…

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The “Worn Out Worker” Rule: SSD Benefits for Heavy Laborers

When you, a close friend or family member have spent the majority of your viable years earning a living through so-called “unskilled” heavy labor, it’s not unusual to eventually find that your health has been negatively affected. What, then, do you do if you find yourself unable to continue doing the hard work you…

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Who is eligible for Social Security Disability benefits?

For those individuals who work hard for their living, a severe injury can prevent them from providing for themselves and their loved one. Fortunately, there are government programs that can assist people who are in these types of situations. One such program is the Social Security Disability Insurance program. This government program provides benefits…

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What options do you have after suffering a work-related injury?

Many Oklahoma residents work hard for years to build a career and earn a living for themselves and their families. A person’s job may be a significant part of his or her identity, or at least it consumes a substantial amount of the person’s time. As a result, when someone suffers a work-related injury,…

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