When do mental disorders manifest? 

In some cases, people are born with mental disorders and conditions that they will have for their entire lives. This could just be due to genetics or, in cases like cerebral palsy, due to mistakes made during birth.  In many cases, though, these disorders manifest or appear later in life. This is known as…

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Don’t let mental health issues prevent you from applying for SSDI

Mental health disorders, just like physical conditions, cause a broad range of different symptoms in different people. Some of the more common and frequently observed symptoms that people struggle with when they have mental health concerns include difficulties with executive function, which can make getting complicated tasks done difficult. Other people may experience anxiety or…

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Watching a loved one suffer from cognitive impairments is hard

Patients with physical impairments often hold on to a glimmer of hope that treatment or new advancements in medicine will emerge that will allow doctors to reverse the signs and symptoms associated with their conditions. The prospects may be much dimmer for individuals suffering from cognitive impairments, though. Individuals with brain, memory or neurologic…

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What kinds of mental health issues qualify someone for SSDI?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) serves as a critical safety net for those dealing with an injury or an illness. People contribute to this program over the course of their working lives. When a condition is so severe that it prevents someone from working a job or impacts their ability to care for themselves,…

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Mental disorders and SSDI benefits

Many people in Oklahoma suffer from emotional and mental conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. In many cases, the disorder becomes so intense that it interferes with a person’s ability to work. Persons who suffer from such afflictions often wonder if their disorder might qualify them for…

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