Can you get SSDI benefits after a brain injury?

A brain injury can significantly change your life. It often depends on the part of the brain that was injured.  For instance, an injury to one part of the brain could lead to motor impairments, meaning you don’t have fine motor skills or that you struggle with mobility. The same injury to another part…

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Why social media and SSDI claims don’t mix

Almost everyone has some kind of digital footprint. From LinkedIn accounts that spotlight your career trajectory to Facebook and Instagram accounts, social media is a big part of life in the 21st century.  But if you have filed or plan to file an SSDI claim, you might want to lock down your social media…

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Does bipolar disorder qualify for SSDI benefits?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are available for a wide range of conditions, including bipolar disorder – but there are caveats.  The highs and lows of bipolar disorder aren’t like the normal ups and downs that most people experience in their moods – and it can still be debilitating. For the Social Security…

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SSI changes some of the rules – for the better

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is notoriously restrictive when it comes to its eligibility criteria. Not only do applicants have to meet a narrow definition of what it means to be “disabled” to qualify, they also have to have extremely limited resources and income. Unfortunately, the rules surrounding income and resources generally apply to an…

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Your SSDI benefits could be different than someone else’s

When it comes to Social Security Disability benefits, people sometimes assume that they are going to apply similarly from case to case. For instance, someone may be considering applying because they know someone else who already did. They know that person qualified and they understand exactly how much the other person gets in monthly…

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