What is the difference between SSD and SSI?

While Oklahoma residents may want to remain independent, financially and mentally, as long as possible, life does not always work out that way. Accidents or age-related illnesses can prevent someone from performing daily tasks and working. As a result, not only does a person become physically dependent on others, one is also not able…

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Supplemental Security Income and the counting of resources

A common concern for Oklahomans who are seeking or already receiving Supplemental Security Income is how their resources will impact their payments. People who have too many resources while meeting the other requirements to receive SSI benefits of being 65 or older, blind or disabled should know the facts about resources. Since SSI is…

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Not everyone qualifies to receive Supplemental Security Income

The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers two different disability programs. One of those is the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and the other is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) one. You must be disabled and have a financial needs if you want to successfully apply for the latter. SSI applicants must generally be disabled,…

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Don’t lie about how bad your disability is

A Georgia woman who had long received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for her apparent debilitating depression and anxiety agreed to plea guilty to Social Security fraud this week. Court filings in her case highlight how the woman had long told doctors that her mental health concerns were so crippling that she was barely able…

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How your age impacts your chances of securing disability benefits

If you’re disabled and you’re planning to apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), then you’ve likely read the horror stories online about how many applicants have their applications for benefits denied on the first attempt. There are various reasons why the…

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