Does getting a loan impact my SSI benefits?

When Oklahomans apply for Supplemental Security Income, they will undoubtedly understand there are certain rules to being approved and retaining benefits. In addition to needing to meet the income and resource requirements, the person must also be disabled, blind or 65 and older. Circumstances can also have an impact on the SSI benefits the…

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People getting SSI benefits can also open ABLE accounts

When Oklahomans are disabled, blind and over age 65, they can get Supplemental Security Income if they meet the other fundamental requirements. For those who are struggling financially and have met these basic criteria, it can be a relief to be approved for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Frequently, they will not consider other…

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Does a change in income impact my SSI benefits?

Apart from the disabling issues an Oklahoman is suffering from, Supplemental Security Income is largely based on how much the applicant earns. If the income and resources are deemed to be below a certain level, the SSI benefits can be provided. Income can change the amount a person gets for their SSI benefits. Understanding…

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How does blindness impact my work expenses for SSI benefits?

One of the criteria for which Oklahomans can get Supplemental Security Income is if they are blind. This, along with being disabled, 65 and older and meeting the income and resource requirements is an important factor in seeking and maintaining benefits. For those who are getting SSI benefits, there are many factors they should…

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What are the reconsideration options for denied SSI claims?

It can be a source of significant worry when an Oklahoman who believes he or she meets the basic requirements to get Supplemental Security Income is denied benefits. For those who are blind, disabled, 65 and older, and have limited income and resources, SSI-related benefits can be a critical part of living day-to-day and…

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