Depression, the impact on your life and Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits

Depression is no laughing matter. It’s not something to sweep under the rug and hope that it corrects itself. It needs to be dealt with quickly and in a decisive manner. Depression can impact your life in many ways, from your personal relationships to your work performance. Should you find that this mental illness…

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What disability reviewers look for in burn victims’ files

As disfiguring and life-altering as your burns may be, having them may not automatically qualify you to receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Your file’s reviewer will instead want to know more about any other conditions you may have, your long-term prognosis and how all this may impact your ability to work before deciding…

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5 myths that can complicate your Social Security Disability claim

Should the time come in your life to make a Social Security Disability claim, you’re likely to have concerns about the process itself and your ability to protect your legal rights. Adding to this, if you don’t know what’s fact and what’s fiction, there’s a chance you could soon head down the wrong path….

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Approval for disability for anxiety can prove challenging

Individuals who have anxiety know that this is an often debilitating condition. It’s likely impossible for a person who’s in the midst of an anxiety attack to be able to perform their job duties in an appropriate manner. They may even be unable to handle even the most basic of self-care tasks. With all…

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How can an attorney help me get SSDI benefits?

When a condition impacts your ability to work, you might turn to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for much-needed help. Most people think this involves little more than filling out some paperwork. After all, you’ve been paying into Social Security your entire working life. It shouldn’t be too difficult to claim the benefits to…

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