Some benefits can reduce Social Security disability payments

If an Oklahoma resident cannot work due to a disabling illness or injury, then they may seek the support of benefits programs like those offered by the Social Security Administration. Depending upon the nature of their ailments and their need, however, they may also receive compensation from others sources. Individuals who receive certain benefits…

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3 mistakes to avoid when applying for SSDI benefits

The application process for Social Security Disability Insurance can be complex and stressful at times. Trying to figure out all the documents and bureaucracy can be frustrating. You may feel distraught and even tempted to give up.  Due to the complexity of the SSDI application process, you may make some errors when filling out your…

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What is a continuing disability review?

Individuals who frequently read the posts on this Oklahoma disability benefits blog may know that in order to qualify for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration a person’s impairment must be expected to last for at least 12 months. This means that short-term illnesses and injuries are generally not covered by the organization’s…

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A discussion of paralysis and its many life-altering symptoms

Paralysis can result from a number of traumas and medical conditions, including but not limited to spinal cord injuries, strokes, and Bell’s palsy. The clearest indicator of paralysis in a patient is the inability of the patient to move their body. Depending upon the type, location, and nature of the paralysis the patient may…

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During an illness, work with lawyers who you trust

An illness can be a tricky enemy to fight. For some individuals, illnesses like cancer may live in their bodies for months before emerging and demonstrating their truly dangerous propensities. In other situations, a person may contract a serious illness and be affected by its symptoms within hours of coming into contact with it….

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