What should I know about SSI benefits when I turn 18?

Disabled individuals in Oklahoma who are receiving Supplemental Security Income through the Social Security disability program should be aware of the rules that go along with their benefits. This is particularly important to people who have received benefits while under the age of 18 and have issues that will continue and warrant benefits after…

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The difference between SSI and SSDI

If you need to apply for disability benefits through the U.S. Social Security Administration, know that there are two main benefits programs that many people often confuse. Some of the confusion stems from the fact that the acronyms used to identify Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income differ by only one letter….

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Understanding anxiety disorders

Life is not always easy, and there undoubtedly will be stressful times in one’s life, times when nervousness or anxiety creeps in, whether it is before a job interview, taking a test, or the purchase of a new home. But for many Americans, including some living in and near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the…

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The basics of cardiovascular diseases

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, providing blood flow throughout the body. On average and under normal conditions, the heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute, and as much as 100,000 times per day. It should go without saying that when there are issues with…

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How common are traumatic brain injuries?

While many people have heard of traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, you might be alarmed at just how frequently they occur in the United States, including the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, area. The brain is located in the skull, which is part of the head, which sits on the neck at the top of a…

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