What is a Medical Source Statement?

If you’re living with some type of disability and you’re considering your Social Security benefits options, you may have heard that this system can be complicated and difficult to get through. This is true, and many applications are denied. The good news is that a lot of these denials don’t happen because the Social…

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Respiratory illnesses may qualify for Social Security Disability

Social Security is there to help people who suffer from disabilities and can no longer work. Someone with lung disease, for example, may not have the energy or ability to work a normal job. They may be going through regular medical treatments and be ill enough that holding a job isn’t reasonable. The Social…

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Three Things Everyone Should Know About Social Security Disability

Every working American pays into Social Security, but not everyone understands what their contributions do. People often only vaguely understand the basics of Social Security retirement and disability benefits. The same employment contributions fund both retirement benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSDI helps adults who can no longer work because of a…

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What’s a marginal education under the SSA’s worn-out worker rule?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) establishes and enforces certain rules for disability benefits. Individuals who want to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments need to have a truly debilitating medical condition. They also need to have worked for long enough to qualify for benefits. Typically, workers who can go back to another profession…

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How long do you have to work to claim SSDI benefits?

Adults with disabling medical conditions can apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. When someone is unable to work for at least a year because of a significant and disabling medical condition, the Social Security Administration (SSA) can provide them with disability benefits to help them pay their bills and afford the basic…

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